Coordination Mechanisms and Systems to Enhance Thai Early Childhood Development Management Efficiency


Objective: The study aimed to enhance the efficiency of Thai early childhood development management by developing coordination mechanisms and systems.

Theoretical framework: A mixed-methods approach was utilized, including an online structured interview of six ECDM policymakers, content analysis of the data, and four focus group discussions with ten individuals from various sectors.

Method: A draft handbook for coordination mechanisms and systems was processed using an online connoisseurship seminar, and an opinion questionnaire was collected from 200 executives and practitioners in four Thai regions using Google Forms.

Results and conclusion: The results identified four mechanisms for driving an effective early childhood development management coordination system: national, provincial, subdistrict, and coordination. These mechanisms comprised an information and communication technology system, a management system, a resource management system combined with budget planning, and a supervision, monitoring, and evaluation system. In conclusion, three stages of policy recommendations were proposed: urgent, intermediate, and long-term.

Implications of the research: The study provides valuable insights into how a developing nation in Southeast Asia can direct critical resources in developing early childhood management efficiency at all levels.

Originality/value: The study gives a unique insight into early childhood development management in a developing Southeast Asian nation and significantly contributes to the literature because of its uniqueness.

Werayut Chatakan, Phanagrid Boonpob, Nopparat Chairueang, Julalax Sutra, Naruporn Thitipraserth and Prachyanun Nilsook. (2023)
Coordination Mechanisms and Systems to Enhance Thai Early Childhood Development Management Efficiency. Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology. Vol. 44 No. 5 (2023) ; pp.830-842.