Multicultural Competency Training Model for Digital Publicists


The objective of this study is to develop and evaluate a multicultural competency training model for digital publicists. It is research and development which the researchers have divided the research process into 3 steps. Step 1: Developing a multicultural competency training model for digital publicists. Step 2: Evaluating the suitability of the developed multicultural competency training model for digital publicists. Lastly, step 3: Adapting a multicultural competency training model to developed digital publicists. Furthermore, the study found that the multicultural competence of digital publicists consisted of 4 competencies: 1) Digital Engagement Competency, 2) Dissemination Competency, 3) Facilitation Competency, and 4) Consulting Competency. Moreover, the results of the developed multicultural competency training model adaptation for digital publicists can be divided the assessment into 3 areas including, 1) Knowledge: the sample group has higher scores after training, 2) Skill: the sample group has the overall multicultural digital public relations skills at an excellent level, and 3) Attitude: overall, the sample group has a superb attitude.

Phudit Kannikar, Panita Wannapiroon and Prachyanun Nilsook (2022)
Multicultural Competency Training Model for Digital Publicists.
International Education Studies. Vol. 15, No. 3 (2022); pp. 140-149. (ERIC)